Helping Average People Earn Extra Cash with CashCrate

3rd Check from CashCrate (December 2011)

Here is my 3rd check from Cashcrate. I recived this a couple weeks ago in December. I have made $75 so far with CashCrate and its been awesome!
 Want to make money taking paid surveys for free? Its super easy, its fun, and you can do at the comfort of your own time on the computer. Best of all its free cash!

Join CashCrate Today for Free! Click Here 

Where to Give Out CashCrate Flyers?

So you signed up to CashCrate and want more referrals? Easy, email me at and I'll send you a template. You can put your referral link on that template, print it out, and hand it out to people. The template will look exactly like that in the video. I have personally gave out 80 flyers last week in these type of small neighborhood, duplex housing unites and have had 8 sign up so far. These people will do offers, surveys, refer other people, and will continue to add extra income to me. Check out the video below, and try it out.

Crazy Turkey Caption Contest

CashCrate is having a huge contest! This info  is taken directly from cashcrates sidebar post. 

What Happened to this turkey? What Happened to Barbie? Is it a Holiday Meal Gone Terribly Wrong? We have no idea, but we're hoping  you can tell us.
Write a Funny Caption to go with this crazy turkey picture and you could win! Please make sure to read the rules below.

1. The contest will run from now until November 30
2. You can enter as many times as you like
3. Please do not post anything inappropriate
4. Have fun and be creative

First Place - $4
Second Place $3
Third Place $2
Fourth Place $1
Fifth Place -$1
Sixth Place $1

Make Some Money This Holiday Season

We all know holidays are coming up. There is Thanksgiving, and the big Christmas. I am sure all of us are waiting for that job offer we filled out, or a raise, or perhaps a promotion. All aside those are great aspirations to hope for. But the reality stays the same around 80% of the time. Fact is you are in control of your life, you make choices that render where you want to be in life. Everyday you make a choice, and strive for something you hopefully wanted. In this economy, we are bombarded with fancy toys, unnecessary items, and more advertisement. Wouldn't it be great to get away from it all? To have inner peace, and separate yourself from the outside world. You can do that my making multiple income streams. The whole idea of residual income is to have MIS and use it to your advantage. Cashcrate is one of many great Income streams you can add to your life. Best of all its Free! If your looking for ways to make money this season, Cashcrate is the way to go!

To Sign up click here 

Good Luck!

The Forums

Making Money with Cashcrate does not have to be alone. There are 3 million people out there that use cashcrate. Most of those successful people are on the forums chatting with other members. Go to the forums and check it out! I am telling you, there are people who have made one thousand plus chatting and revealing their secrets and showing you how to make more money with cashcrate. All it takes is one post in any thread and you got your name out there. Check out my video below, I talk about the forums and I am still surprised why people don't use them much.

The CashCrate ToolBar

The CashCrate Tool Bar is another way you can make money with Cashcrate. Cashcrate's wonderful people keep me happy with the toolbar invention. You make a dollar just for downloading it, and then you make 50 cents for every 25 searches you do. CashCrate only counts 10 searches per day so ideally it would take you 2.5 or around 3 days to make 50 cents. By doing this you can easily make $5 dollars a month. When you do search, please search for normal items like you would on Google. Using this toolbar, you can check in, read your messages, stay up to date, and move around like you would on Cashcrates website. To download the toolbar go the the offers section, and under free it would listed there. If you can't find it search for it on Cashcrates wonderful forums.
If you are New to Cashcrate click the orange box above, or click here to start making free money online! 
Everybody needs extra Cash! CashCrate is where you can get it for free!


CashCrate Surveys

Cashcrate has 9 surveys available to US members. It is best to try all surveys when you sign up because you can land on all 9 and make a total of $5 - $7 everyday. I have personally tried the first survey "opinion survey" and have recieved 80 cents from that survey in under 8 minutes of work. They ask simple questions, you answer them, give them your feedback, rate the product, and boom just like that they congratulate you on finishing the survey at end. Once you have done the first survey you can close that tab, and open cashcrate to do the next survey. In this manner you can do all the surveys. You can do all of them in under 45 minutes and make around $7 everyday. Remember you get paid to do these surveys every 24 hours. So if you didn't get a chance to take the survey you can take the next day. No rush, the surveys are always there for you. The cool aspect to cashcrate is the $20 dollar monthly payout. When you reach this $20 threshold you automatically get sent a check to your address the next month. If you take surveys everyday it should take you three to five days and you will get your check. Just by doing surveys you can make easy money online. If you get bored with surveys, watch some tv ads, or do some free offers, rest assured you will get to your $20 payout if you are persistent.

If you are new to CashCrate, please click here to sign up for free and learn how to make easy money online.
Stay persistent and you will make residual income every month with CashCrate!

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